Sedibeng District Municipality Hosts Capacity Building Workshops for HIV & AIDS Ward-Based Educators

City Hall, Vereeniging

The Sedibeng District Municipality has embarked on a series of capacity building workshops for HIV & AIDS ward-based educators. These workshops, held over several days, aimed at equipping peer educators with essential skills and knowledge to serve their communities better.

The training sessions are comprehensive, covering a wide range of crucial topics. On the first day, participants engaged in first aid training, which provided them with vital skills to handle emergency situations. The second session focused on healthcare services and referral systems, ensuring that educators are well-versed in navigating and connecting community members to appropriate health services. On the final day, the focus will shifted to community policing and indigent services, highlighting the role of peer educators in promoting safety and supporting vulnerable populations.

The workshops are designed with specific objectives to ensure that peer educators are thoroughly prepared for their roles:

  • To equip peer educators with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively engage with community members during door-to-door visits
  • To enhance peer educators' communication abilities, including active listening, empathy, and culturally sensitive interactions
  • To strengthen peer educators' ability to establish rapport, build trust, and maintain confidentiality during door-to-door visits.
  • To train peer educators on effective referral systems, follow-up procedures, and coordination with relevant service providers.
  • To enhance peer educators' capacity for monitoring and reporting
  • To promote self-care practices and enhance the well-being of peer educators.

By empowering peer educators with these essential skills and knowledge, the district ensures that community members receive accurate information, timely support, and compassionate care.

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